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How To Use The Power Of Resolution In Business?

Posted on June 6, 2022 by Woodrow Mandy
Resolution is the leading and impelling force in individual advancement.Without it no significant work can be achieved.Not until a person brings attention to keep upon his life he knowingly and quickly develop, for a lifetime without resolution is a lifetime without goals, and a lifetime without goals is a drifting and shaky thing.Resolution may of course be connected to downward tendencies, but it is more generally the company of noble goals and lofty ideals, and I am dealing with it in this its greatest use and application...

Your Mind - Your Most Powerful Healer

Posted on May 9, 2022 by Woodrow Mandy
The mind-body link has made its way to global awareness.It's understood that what we believe is what will be.Consider the possibility that your body is an immediate printout of your emotional, mental and spiritual conditions.Our bodies react like robots to what we tell them.Toxic bodies are only a manifestation of poisonous thoughts.To put it differently, any imbalance in our emotional and psychological conditions creates disharmony in the body...

Going Home From Work

Posted on April 16, 2022 by Woodrow Mandy
Work was meant to be a vehicle to sustain us, to assist us to get from one area to another.It was never assumed to be the destination that it's become.Many Americans arrived at "work" and never returned home.Actually home was abandoned for a counterfeit work life, complete with"work relatives" and"work parties".A counterfeit that appears like the real thing, that for the undiscerning eye it is tough to tell the difference...

Right and Wrong Mindfulness

Posted on March 7, 2022 by Woodrow Mandy
The ability of the mind is a miracle.If you know which is right and that is incorrect, you can develop your mind to be a better human.It is possible to become healthier, younger and adorable.Let us see which is correct and which is wrong, then change it if you must.Right Mindfulness.1] When a individual in respect to the use of his eyes, he's anxious to see clearly; in respect to the use of his ears, he is anxious to hear distinctly; in regard to his speech, he is anxious that it ought to be sincere; in respect to his business, he is anxious that he should be careful and honest; in regard to what he doubts, he's anxious to ask of others...

Are You Mentally Healthy? Check it Out

Posted on February 12, 2022 by Woodrow Mandy
Mental Health is as necessary for living a happy and successful life as physical wellbeing.We can't think of our well-being and wellbeing without mental health.We can derive the most benefits from our resources, opportunities and abilities only when we are emotionally healthy and fit.Since the capacity to rule the entire world is in the brain, not in the body, so mental health is of utmost importance...