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Tag: thoughts

Articles tagged as Thoughts

Internal Peace: Finding Peace Of Mind

Posted on May 2, 2024 by Woodrow Mandy
What does internal peace mean for you personally? Does it mean a location of sanctuary where one can get back from stressful situations and discover that host to safety from the 'cares of the world'? Does it mean a location where one can be yourself minus the facade a lot of us wear during the day in order that people won't understand how we sense? Or is this place (often our home) yet another place where we have to defend ourselves from the ongoing onslaught of anger, hostility, and power games which are frequently the way of measuring our lives in the 21st century?The dictionary defines internal as: relating to or situated within the body; of associated with, or existing within your brain...

How-To Listen Effectively

Posted on February 17, 2024 by Woodrow Mandy
So, just how do we figure out how to really listen and comprehend? Now, granted, there are several conversations you do not desire to hear.I'm not discussing these.In the cases once you actually want to learn something or hear someone, however, you have to develop some discipline through self-training.The very first thing you must do would be to grab control of one's thoughts.Thoughts are both your ally as well as your enemy...

Three Benefits of Learning How To Concentrate

Posted on February 16, 2022 by Woodrow Mandy
All of us know that having the ability to concentrate on a particular task is, typically, a necessary part of completing it.Without focus our mind wanders, and the body follows to the kitchen to get a drink or bite, to the den to check on the children, outside for a breath of fresh air.the list of distractions is endless, especially for men and women that work at home.Without the ability to concentrate our minds, we just don't get anything done...

Your Mind - Your Most Powerful Healer

Posted on November 9, 2021 by Woodrow Mandy
The mind-body link has made its way to global awareness.It's understood that what we believe is what will be.Consider the possibility that your body is an immediate printout of your emotional, mental and spiritual conditions.Our bodies react like robots to what we tell them.Toxic bodies are only a manifestation of poisonous thoughts.To put it differently, any imbalance in our emotional and psychological conditions creates disharmony in the body...