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Tag: emotions

Articles tagged as Emotions

Internal Peace: Finding Peace Of Mind

Posted on December 2, 2024 by Woodrow Mandy
What does internal peace mean for you personally? Does it mean a location of sanctuary where one can get back from stressful situations and discover that host to safety from the 'cares of the world'? Does it mean a location where one can be yourself minus the facade a lot of us wear during the day in order that people won't understand how we sense? Or is this place (often our home) yet another place where we have to defend ourselves from the ongoing onslaught of anger, hostility, and power games which are frequently the way of measuring our lives in the 21st century?The dictionary defines internal as: relating to or situated within the body; of associated with, or existing within your brain...

Are You Mentally Healthy? Check it Out

Posted on March 12, 2022 by Woodrow Mandy
Mental Health is as necessary for living a happy and successful life as physical wellbeing.We can't think of our well-being and wellbeing without mental health.We can derive the most benefits from our resources, opportunities and abilities only when we are emotionally healthy and fit.Since the capacity to rule the entire world is in the brain, not in the body, so mental health is of utmost importance...